Oh Beast!
Why did you pluck the King's heart?
His royal body you did feast,
Taking away from him precious breath
Oh Monsters!
Why did you murder her?
Her precious body,
You dumped into the lagoon,
From you monsters she did met her doom
Daughters of Jezebel!
The beautiful lovers of Lucifer;
You've succeeded in taking the breath of Abel,
Cutting short the precious life of Methuselah
But their spirits cry out their desire,
Not just for your doom, but for your trial
They all weep blood
Without uttering a word
You sons of Cain!
You took the footstep of your father by killing your precious brother
Just for your worldly desires
For their loss, you have no reason to bother
You consider yourself brave
By digging their shallow grave
For you think against you, they have no witness?
Their souls indeed cry for your foolishness
Soul brothers in Haram!
You that live to do evil behind the mask
You think of yourself to be just
By cutting off your brother’s dream
To fulfill your own lack
You said “They are daemons!”
That never needed your disastrous sermon
You said “They all belong to hell!”
For now, your own imminent doom I won’t tell
Oh you Ghouls!
That 'vulture-human' flesh and blood
Forcing their innocent souls,
To wear the grievous hood
You think you nurture them to gain,
But your rewards you get by auctioning their bones
For your own lust gain
I assure you, their precious tears shall never be in vain
Have you easily forgotten
That everything that live by breath
Shall one day be smitten
By monstrous death?
Agele Ayo is a Nigerian poet and novelist, who have published most of his works on print and online magazines. He is also a serving corps member in Ibadan city.
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