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She, with her gentle smile, crafted carefully to hide the storm that raged within. He, with his quiet strength, a mask worn to protect the brokenness inside. Both survivors of a pain that had no name, no face, but lingered like a shadow in their hearts. They told her to endure—because girls are resilient, aren't they? They told him to be strong—because boys don’t break, do they? But what they didn’t know was how deep their wounds ran. How the darkness of night wrapped around them both, suffocating their dreams, Or how the silence became their companion, as they each learned to carry the burdens of their untold stories alone. She tucked her tears beneath layers of laughter, her voice fading into whispers no one seemed to hear. He buried his shame beneath an armor of indifference, pretending that nothing could touch him, even as the weight pressed down harder. They were different, yet so much the same. Two souls, marked by trauma, bound by a shared truth: that pain knows no gender. I
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Day88 #365daypoetrychallengeonadvocacyandsocialchange HANG NO TEARS HERE, BOYS Do not hang memories on my shadow! do not remember home to yourself! Let the bed feel your absence on its warmth with lurking passion interwovown selfot hang your thoughts here, boys, Lest you burn yourself into ashes of Eden Do not hang tears on my eyes now! For the productivity of sin is in death &the genocide here are the whole of abessive cruelty found in your eyes, help me gather your roaming shadows, for the feast of this land is the call you hold on the dawn of a sudden dew Do not look the sun on the face with fear! an unbroken chain of verses from book of colours termed men racism of the earth this is how society raised you with gap of saddened life & gory detailed miseries & your father told you that Africa is noble, a lie which made the birds went into labour hang no secret here, boys, not in here! Hang no clothes here, boys, end this pity My head i

Miles from Independence by Tydale Bassey Abigail

Day87 #365daypoetrychallengeforadvocacyandsocialchange Our cloths have torn Our hairs grown bushy Bones emaciated and legs swollen Muscles displaced And our vision discouraged... The path behind us looks abandoned by haggard legs, Bushy as if untrodden See, our babies have died Our kids starved Our boys imprisoned Our girls raped Husbands and wives betrayed And the aged disappointed... Yet the eyes of our polity bulges like the blind statues of Nok Culture We used to have hopes, But they are now tired in the arms of abortion The promises of independence have become stillborn; Mutilated with the bamboo of corruption. Even the wishes that once painted our eyelids Are beginning to wear away Yet the senses of our constitution have breathed only heat on the sore skins of our destinies The song of the national flag has become the loudest noise sung by toothless leaders; A pirate declaration to our unity in diversity Our capital cities are plinths

REMIND ME OF BOYS AGAIN by John Chizoba Vincent

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1, Stop Counting people's blessings ~ It is interesting to admire your friend's success, but don't try to compare and contrast, you're different persons and your paths have been mapped out. When the temptation to compare especially on bad days fingers my eyelids, I pull out my gratitude journal and write out five things I'm grateful for. It could be as little as being able to keep to time or even for being mentioned in a good will comment by a friend. Being grateful opens us up for more. 2, Try Leadership and Politics ~ I think there are two different things, one is seen as good and the other is seen as bad. The mention of the word "politics" get us grabbing our bags, and the mention of "leadership" gets us spreading our clothes in the open. My involvement in both has impacted my life and my dealing with others. I see both as siamese twins. Politics makes good leadership and Leadership makes good politics. You should try it!


OCTOBER 30FEST HUMANITARIAN POETRY PRIZE 2018 We are glad to officially announce a call for the submission of poems for the 3rd edition of the October 30FEST Humanitarian Poetry Prize. This Poetry Prize seeks to sprinkle smiles on the faces of those left out in the scheme of things in the society. The cash prize for winning this prize would be donated to any charity course of the winner's choice as a service to humanity. Theme : 2019 ; The Poet's Prophecy Deadline : 20th October, 2018 ELIGIBILITY ~ This contest is open to all poets from all over the world. GUIDELINES ~ Submissions are to be made to with strict adherence to the instructions stipulated. ~After completing submission on the Google form, you are required to post your entry again on the October 30FEST Facebook group using this link - for interaction. However, likes are not a criteria for winning. ~ Entries submitted must be previou


Day85 #365daypoetryforadvocacyandsocialchangechallenge You newly coupled who have refused A return from Paris You recline like butter on bread Who said that you'll live long(er)? You who think suicide is next If you left college next best You shut your eyes on all of your kind Who said that you'll live long(er)? You claim teen Ignoring the clock that said, "no time" You forget the phrase, 'Gone too Soon' Who said that you'll live long(er)? Like the prosperous Ant Just in the corridor, he kicked a pale Death took no bribes Who said that you'll live long(er)? Like the innocent thief Who found a new source of livelihood Life could not offer pity no more Who said that you'll live long(er)? So now you changed the figures And cared less what employees felt The higher throne was all you aimed Who said that you'll live long(er)? You were told to restrain For your family, health and wealth Yet you stuck to the wrap l